Monday, 30 December 2019

What are Silicon Coated Polyster Film?

BY Jacob IN No comments

This polyester film is going via stringent tests based totally on wide variety of predefined excellent parameters in adherence to the industry standards. The very last product is highly demanded for the good printability and high tensile strength. These movies are available in variety of lengths and widths, this movie can be availed from extrusion lined film producers at market main prices. Using advanced nice polymer, these are produced and then lined with silicone layer through the expert personnel as according to national norms. These films belong to release film type category and properly acclaimed of their transparency, softness, moisture-proof property, printability etc. Silicone Coated Polyester film are exceptionally used for making beauty and customer items label because of their great feature and availability in diverse colors, thickness, sizes and finishes.

Below mentioned are the different types of usage of silicone coated films- 

  • Paper:
  1. Glassine Release Liner
  2. MGK Release Paper
  3. Clay Coated Kraft Release Paper 
  4. Double Side Silicone Release Paper
  5. Differential Silicone Release Paper
  6. Fluoro Silicone Release Paper (For Silicone Adhesive)
  • Film:
  1. Polyester Release Liner
  2. Metalize Polyester Release Liner
  3. Color Polyester Release Liner
  4. Double Side Polyester Release Liner
  5. Differential Polyester Release Liner
  6. Fluoro Silicon Polyester Release Liner(For Silicone Adhesive) 
Our Products are used in following application segments
  1. Hygiene
  2. Medical
  3. Pressure Sensitive Label Stock
  4. Tapes
  5. Construction & Roofing
  6. Bakery & Confectionery
  7. Fiber Composites
  8. Graphic Arts
  9. Hologram &security envelopes
  10. Automotive components
  11. Foam
  12. Rubber industries
  13. Electronics 
Benefits of Silicone coated films-
  1. Dimensional Stability
  2. Smoothness
  3. Clear or Colored
  4. Strength
  5. Tensile Properties
  6. Gauge Control
  7. Very high heat resistance
Features of silicone coated polyester film-
  1. It offers superior tensile strength, caliper control and dimensional stability.
  2. These are also suitable for different label stock construction.
  3. It also compliments well with wide variety of 'Face' materials.
  4. Excellent silicone lay down with consistent release on aging and various de-lamination speeds.
  5. Compatible with different adhesive systems like Emulsion, Solvent-base Acrylic and UV Acrylic.
  6. Also provides excellent surface for printing application. 
We’re completed with this submit on Silicone lined polyester films. Stay tuned to know extra about subjects such as silicone covered polyester movie, Extrusion coated movie producers etc.


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